Hound Dog

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On Jen...
Jeans - LF / Top - Vintage / Vest - Gap / Booties - Elizabeth & James

You ain't nothin but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time.
You ain't nothin but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time.
Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine
- Elvis Presley

Just another dog day afternoon with the boys Diggs, Dempsy & Howie!
These boys are my buddies and full of energy...
Now about my outfit!
I must tell you I was pleasantly surprised as I was walking to my agency I strolled by the store Madison and found myself at a stand still...
As I turned to face the store front my favorite word in the world was staring back at me in bright orange words... It read...
So I had a couple minutes to spare before I had to be at my agency so I walked in and went towards the shoe sale rack and saw these beauty's staring back at me.
These pony hair booties are perfect for fall/winter and I snagged them for 60% off!
Anyone else have any amazing sale stories?

xo J

Photos by: Endo


ching said...

hello there doggies. xD

Francheska L said...

You look awesome. I love your hair and your dog are cute :) x

Chelle said...

Such cute dogs! Love the long vest, so chic!

Xo Chelle

K A T H L E E N said...

fab blog u have. love the outfit and your booties too. cute dogs! come follow xxo

Elekon said...

amazing! that`s a trully chic outfit! and what a cute dogs! love your blog am following you now:)

follow me if you want xx

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