Electric Feel

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On Jen...
Top & Socks - H&M / Skirt - AA / Shoes - JC

All along the western front
People line up to receive
She got the power in her hands
To shock you like you won't believe
Saw her in the amazon
With the voltage running through her skin
Standing there with nothing on
She's gonna teach me how to swim

As you know about a week ago were the VMA's which meant they were loads of parties in LA...
And lucky me I received my ever so AMAZING Lita's by Jeffrey Campbell!
I have been waiting so patiently for these hot mama's and let me tell you...
They were worth the wait!!
They are so comfortable I was able to wear them all night and dance with out my feet hurting!
I'm looking forward to wearing them pretty much all fall!

xo J


Unknown said...

looking gorge xxx

Anonymous said...

so awesome!!i just love the litas!



Kelsi said...

I got brown ones :D


These are amazing! Want them soo bad

KristiMcMurry said...

I looooove those! Post a lot about them so I can enjoy them vicariously through you...if that's even possible.

cat said...

i love my Litas! cute shirt. loving your blog! Cat x

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