
Pretty Vacant

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On Jen...
Jacket - Tigerlily / Sweater - H&M / Shorts - LF / Belt - Jimmy Choo for H&M
Boots - Kelsi Dagger / Purse - Tammi Lynn

Don't ask us to attend
'cos we're not all there
Oh don't pretend 'cos I don't care
I don' believe illusions
'cos to much is real
So stop your cheap comment
'cos we know what we feel

Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty we're vacant
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty we're vacant
Ah but now and we don't care
- Sex Pistols

Sundays might be on of my favorite days....
I think because you get to be lazy and kinda do whatever you want,
and slowly get ready for the week!
So it was a bit overcast so I went for a darker color palette.
I found these shorts at the LF sale (man I really scored there) and they are my new fav thing at the moment because I can wear then year round!
For summer I can not wait to bust them this summer without tights and flowy tank!

xo J


  1. Your shorts combo is fantastic ! Jacket, belt, purse, shoes are awesome, great choice of nice tastes ! But you are however pretty in all outfits (simple, eccentric, original or chic ) , very cute, adorable ! Always a Pretty model for fashion !

  2. You LOOK Nice!!

  3. love those lf shorts! i got the skirt version a few weeks ago! :)

    xx Ang

  4. I don't really see the pictures here at my pc i do not no why maybe this a problem with my browser. But even i didn't see what its like the quote was an example of inspiration. Good job i hope there's a lot more about this stuffs.

  5. cuuute boots <3
