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On Jen...
Jacket - H&M / Jeans & Vest - F21 / GnR Shirt & Hat - Vintage / Boots - Sam Edelman

Can you feel it, see it, hear it today?
If you can't, then it doesn't matter anyway
You will never understand it 'cause it happens too fast
And it feels so good, it's like walking on glass
It's so cool, it's so hip, it's alright
It's so groovy, it's outta sight
You can touch it, smell it, taste so sweet
But it makes no difference 'cause it knocks you off your feet
You want it all but you can't have it...
- Faith No More

So my girlfriend and I hit the streets of downtown last night...
We started at Chaya for Happy Hour, then made our way to catch the band
He's my Brother She's my Sister
and ended the night at a the Library Bar where we met a musical friend on the street.
He sang us songs and we danced a bit... overall it was a great night!
I was such a fan of the Zoe boot by Sam Edelman that I had to grab the
Zoyla's when they came out.
They are so comfortable and scream rock and roll...
Have a good weekend!

xo J


  1. Hello Jen,
    This is Halliedaily from Chictopia, love your style and love your website, you got a new fan here. :D

  2. Aww, I have that Forever21 vest. It looks waaaaay better on you, though.

  3. I love your blog and your style! If you don't mind me asking, where do you get your hair cut/done? My hair is similar to yours but right now, its in a weird cut straight across stage and I need a new 'do and I love your effortless and fun looking hair style and would love to get something similar with layers and bangs :) Thanks

  4. Your style is great! I love it all.
