
Second Hand News

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On Jen...
Jacket - Vintage / Jeans - Superfine / Sweater & Boots - LF / Purse - MJ
Jewelry - F21

One thing I think you should know
I ain't gonna miss you when you go
Been down so long
I've been tossed around enough
Couldn't you just
Let me go down and do my stuff

I know you're hopin' to find
Someone who's gonna give you piece of mind
When times go bad
when times go rough
Won't you lay me down in tall grass
And let me do my stuff
- Fleetwood Mac

First off.... what a weekend!
I feel like I accomplished so many thing I needed to get done, and what a great feeling that is!
Now to reward myself I hit up LF's sale and loaded up on goodness!
Some of my favorite scores were red Jeffrey Campbell lace up Woodie booties and these cute lil wool shorts that I will bust out very soon!
This little tiger print jacket has been my new obsession lately...
I love that its cropped and not so chunky like my other jackets it makes it easier to throw on with any outfit!
I love the look the volume of it gives to pair of skinny's with boots.
Happy Monday!

xo J


  1. WOW, this outfit looks incredible together. First off, I LOVE your coat, and loved how you kept it the leading lady. I love those boots too. Well done.

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
    Women’s Fashion Examiner-Cleveland
    My Vintage Handbag Line

  2. Really enjoying your commitment to animal prints and the rock and roll look

  3. Nice blog :) love it♥

  4. Lovee the jacket!!! So awesome.

  5. I just discovered your blog, I love it and I followed you. I really wish I had driven to California for the LF sale, I missed out. I love your jacket and boots.

  6. Glad you were able to stock up on some LF goodies! Those JC boots are hot and so is that lovely coat with the adorable fox tail keychain.
    much love.

  7. LOVE your jackets and your bag! so beautiful!

  8. I love your animal print sweater ! it looks so gorgeous on you!
