
Pour Some Sugar...

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On Jen...
Jacket - Generra / Skirt - UO / Top - Revolver / Heels - Top Shop

Love is like a bomb, baby c'mon get it on
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman can I be your man?

Razzle n Dazzle n a flash a little light
Television lover, baby go all night
Sometime, anytime sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah

Come on! Take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up
- Def Leppard

No you all must have realized how much of a music junkie I am...
So it's no surprise that I grabbed my girls and we hit up the House of Blues
to see Steel Panther!
Now if you have not heard of Steel Panther...
they are an 80's metal cover band.
Can you say AMAZING!!
So of course when it came time to put together an outfit
I knew I wanted bright colors and form fitting clothing with a little bling!
I went with a sequined mini skirt, a tight red halter top and sky high heels.
Kelly Bundy would of been proud =)

xo J


  1. It looks like a perfect night! Oh, you are so beautiful :)

  2. Great skirt! You look gorgeous.

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”

    Runway Inspiration: Wunderkind

  3. I saw Steel Panther at HOB in Vegas and they were amazing!!! and who can get enough of the chalkboard walls?? love the outfit!

  4. These guys are the most crude, most fun band ever! I've been going to the shows since I was in college... so like, 5 years now? Haha!

    You look great and I see you got on stage. Fun night, indeed! We need to hang out ;)


  5. Ha , this us what u guys were talking about that night in SF! sooo good!
